MRS research group aims to conduct multidisciplinary research and development activities in the area of Multi robotics and autonomous systems. In order to bridge the gap between research, application and community.
Robotics and automation challenge traditional engineering disciplines because the integrated approach in the selection of means to the intended functional ends must involve, by nature, a team activity and crossing the boundaries between conventional engineering disciplines. Unlike traditional fields, robotics and automation are still emerging areas that combine the essential elements of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer engineering.
MRS research group was founded in 2013 to conduct multidisciplinary research and development activities in the area of robotics and autonomous systems. The research objectives of the MRS group are: • To initiate new innovative research directions in different fields of robotics and autonomous systems and related fields by networking together the critical mass of resources. • To discover and develop fundamental scientific principles and practices that are applicable to intelligent automated systems, industrial automation and robotics. • To strengthen and enhance scientific and technological excellence in the area of robotics and autonomous systems. • To educate at undergraduate and graduate levels in the field of robotics and autonomous systems, and to promote and sponsor scientific activities in the area of robotics and autonomous systems. • To integrate the various research efforts of the scientific team to be a source of innovation on possible scientific, technological and socio-economic paths. • To promote technology transfer between the university and industry to yield solutions to real world problems for a wide range of application domains.